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Not a Complex but His Complexion

Writer's picture: Christine GeorgeChristine George

Super Hero Complex

According to Google, the superhero complex or Messiah Complex, also known as the hero syndrome, or hero complex, is one of these, and is when someone has an inherent desire, a compulsion, to help people. However, it is not officially a disorder or disease.

While this may be true to the secular world, this should be the very desire of the Kingdom of God if we truly have the heart of Christ. Not a complex but a Christ effect. The strong desire to help people should be so compelling for us as Christians. Christ walked the earth and inspired many with his teachings. What He was mostly recognized for was the miracles that he worked. The Bible says in John 14:12 (KJV) Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. If He arose with ALL power and has given us access to it, it means we have authority by His spirit. With that God given power and authority it is to carry on his demeanor, mentality and do what He did but in a greater capacity.

Every parent who has accomplished or achieved something in life, their greatest desire is for their offspring to find their own path to fulfilling and continuing the legacy. God the Father is no different. He wants His children to follow in His footsteps. To take over the business of loving everyone from a pure place. That love is a breeding ground for fruit like compassion, patience and so much more. In a time like this, where the world is panicked due to a pandemic, its important for us to share our light and love. To the body of Christ, what we have; it’s not a complex, disorder or disease. It’s the very absence of all things unhealthy that enables us to function and flow. 1 John 3:1 King James Version (KJV) Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore, the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. We have been given superpowers to help heal and free. What we must keep in mind is that we are sidekicks we are not the main character or attraction. We must do our part (not for our own gloating or recognition) but to ensure that Christ is seen, heard and glorified.

I don’t know about you, but I love a good Superhero. I grew up admiring Batman (my favorite), Superman, Wonder Woman, Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles and so much more. I admired their compassion for others and willingness to go above and beyond to save others even if it meant they would be at high risk or danger. I noticed that they monitor things going on which means they were in tune with their community. As soon as a cry for help was made, they were moved with compassion and immediately responded. They lived their lives but knew when to shift gears to become what the people needed.

The world is currently simultaneously on their knees, a united cry for help and deliverance. The word says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. If we cry out sincerely our Super Hero, the Hero of heroes will show up.

Jesus is that Superhero that was waiting to be called on. He has been overlooked and underestimated. He was put on the “backburner” while we sought out other gods and sources of refuge. What we are coming to realize is that He is Hero that we can love, trust and depend on. He shifts gears to become what we need and he is HERE as a provider, keeper, life preserver, covering and so much more if we stop to count our blessings.

Psychologically speaking, some believe that we have a tendency to fall in love with the first person to show us kindness after trauma, disappointment or problematic life experiences. When we feel we can finally exhale and consider ourselves “safe”, it maybe the opposite. It’s dangerous when someone is aware of your mental state and condition and peruses you with a hidden agenda or motive It’s also harmful when the victim falls in love with their savior because its known as transference. The unconscious act of transferring all energy and emotions on to another. The person offering help is viewed as a personal love interest. We don’t recognize that they are just there to help.  You may just be their assignment but its not a love connection. Vice versa if your called to help you can’t date your assignment. Remember we are the sidekicks on assignment to clear the way like First Responders until the true HERO steps on the scene.

In some cases, it’s just good Samaritans (Angels) who enter our lives at the right time. Trust me it’s not by coincidence its God orchestrated. He has us on a schedule and a path. Whether you deviate or not, He is still in control. Jesus is that Superhero the world needs now. He is the only one who wouldn’t take advantage. He is here to not just help but heal and deliver. He is concerned about your mental, physical, emotional and physical state. After all we have encountered, He comes on the scene just in time and has no other desire but to love us. He is completely safe, the only thing He desires in return is our hearts. To truly love him and not know that where Christ is there is no more crisis (often said by Bishop Courtney Bradley). If what the world needs now is love and refuge, let’s seek it in God. Believers, its time to really be authentic points of contact and portray what we often profess.

May all the real Believers please stand up!

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